the Lord, o children
GENERAL SECRETARIAT Themistokleous 54 Athens 106 81 GREECE Tel/Fax No: ++30-1-3301695 It is true that during the Holy Services, we taste in advance the future gifts, by participating in the prayer of the Church, chanting with the Holy Angels, the Holy Fathers and our brothers, sharing communion of the mysteries of Christ, same body, the same blood and a unique spirit not only with Him, our Saviour, but also with the members of the Church from the beginning until today and the end of ages. In this way we are transformed "…reflect then the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory, coming from the Lord, who is the spirit, transforms us into his likeness in an ever greater degree of glory" (Cor. II, 3,18)" on the same time viewing at our common fatherland, the celestal Jerusalem, and praising to participate more intensely in the blessed Pascha, our infinite communion with Him in His Heavenly Kingdom. (Extract of the message of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch addressed to our Association on July 19, 2002, on the occasion of the "Liturgical School" in Cetinje, Montenegro) Church
hymnology, from the beginning until nowdays, is the most precious assistant
of humans in their struggle through all their lives to approach the
Mysteries of God. The
hymn is composed of three parts: the word, the melody and the rhythm,
which are closely related between them. The word, always theological,
is prevailing and is served, explained and enforced by the mucic and
the rhythm. The
hymn is usually chanted monophonically by the choir, in a way as if
the voice "came from one mouth" (St. John Chrysostom, 36,
PG 61, 35). As far as the "ison" is concerned, it expresses
the unity and the common feeling of the believers. The
hymn is exclusively liturgical, and gives an authentic testimony of
faith and hope. Saveguard,
promotion of and dedication to this wonderful spiritual legacy is an
essential need for all those who wish to be saved, giving godly experiences
and opening the gate of the Kingdom of our Father. The
Balkan Orthodox Youth Association, on the occasion of its 10 years of
diaconia within the sensible sector of the Balkan Youth, presents this
Compact Disk, both as in order to thank and glorify God for everything
that was accomplished during these years and to give a small assistance
to all of us in our way towards the Land of the Living. In
this point, we would like to thank from the deapth of our heart everyone
who has participated or helped to the accomplishment of the present
edition: 1.
The Byzantine Choir of the young people of the Church of Albania for
chanting the hymns in Albanian and Miss Marina-Blerina Marini, vice
president of our Association, for making the selection. Concluding this note, we express for once more our respect and gratitude to His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos and their Holinesses and Beatitudes, Patriarchs and Archbishops, heads of the local Churches in the Balkans, as well as their Eminences, heads of Dioceses, for their interest and fatherly love for our Association since its beginnings. May our Lord bless our humble activities, for His glory and the glory of His Church.
Fr Haralampos Theodossis
Albania III
Hellas |