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Schedule of construction

The construction of the buildings of the TESLA Accelerator Installation had started in June 1990, and it was finished in May 1992. The total area of the available space in these buildings is about 3,000 m2. The construction of the TESLA Accelerator Installation began in September 1992.

The pVINIS Ion Source has been commissioned - at the end of July 1997.

The first ion beam from the mVINIS Ion Source was extracted in the begining of September 1997. It was the beam of Ar8+ ions with the energy of 120 keV and the current of 75 µA. This machine will be commissioned by the end of January 1998. Its ion beams will be used first in the channel for modification of materials (L3) - in March 1998.

A gamma camera in the Clinical Center of Serbia, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia

The extraction of the first ion beam from the VINCY Cyclotron will be performed by the end of February 1999. It will be the beam of protons with the energy of 30 MeV, obtained from the beam of H2+ ions extracted from the pVINIS Ion Source. This ion beam will be used first in the channel for radiation research (H3) - in April 1999, and in the channel for production of radioisotopes (H4) - in June 1999.

The team of constructors of the TESLA Accelerator Installation

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