
People on #klupica as of 1 Nov 1998 17:34 CET
Nickname  Status           User@Host
BerSeRkeR op, idle         This is me, the channel bot.
BabyBunny op, idle         This is another channel bot.
R3dB4r0n  op               This is another channel bot.
JaSmInA   op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Jam|ica   op, idle         This is another channel bot.
mentol    op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Jamaica   op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Mrshavi   idle             This is another channel bot.
cRvEnA_   op, idle         This is another channel bot.
Majmun    op, idle         This is another channel bot.
k000pi    op, idle         mdragas@garfield.med.bg.ac.yu
Najgori   idle             zorans@ns.rcub.bg.ac.yu
Crna|ruka idle             milica7@
SLOBODAN  idle             slobodan@garfield.med.bg.ac.yu
Andjel    idle             andjel@ns.rcub.bg.ac.yu
lakicar   op, idle         mdragas@garfield.med.bg.ac.yu
crvena    -                sanjas@ISGF.GRF.BG.AC.YU
MiloDojka -                cimmby@ISGF.GRF.BG.AC.YU
Debeli    op               This is another channel bot.

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