Member Administration:
(add memeber)

Please, select member and function you wold like to execute
\n"); echo("\n

\n"); exit(0); } if (msqlSelectDB($sock, "MEMBERS")<0) { echo("
\n"); echo("\n

\n"); exit(0); } if ($delete=="OK") { $imaga=0; if (msqlQuery($sock, "SELECT id_bill FROM billing WHERE id_us=$id_us")<0) { echo("
\n"); echo("\n

\n"); exit(0); } $dt=msqlStoreResult(); $id_bl=msqlFetchRow($dt); while(#$id_bl>0 && $imaga==0) { if (msqlQuery($sock, "SELECT id_trans FROM transaction WHERE id_bill=$id_bl[0]")<0) { echo("
\n"); echo("\n

\n"); exit(0); } $dy=msqlStoreResult(); $id_tr=msqlFetchRow($dy); if (#$id_tr>0) { $imaga=1; } msqlFreeResult($dy); $id_bl=msqlFetchRow($dt); } if ($imaga>0) { echo("
\n"); echo("\n
Sorry, this user can not be DELETED.

\n"); exit(0); } if (msqlQuery($sock, "UPDATE user_data SET member='2' WHERE id_us=$id_us")<0) { echo("
\n"); echo("\n

\n"); exit(0); } } if (msqlQuery($sock, "SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE member='0' AND id_us>0")<0) { echo("
\n"); echo("\n

\n"); exit(0); } $fd=msqlStoreResult(); $data=msqlFetchRow($fd); if (#$data==0) { echo("
\n"); echo("\n
Sorry, no one applied for membership.

\n"); exit(0); } echo("

\n\n"); while(#$data>0) { echo("\n"); echo("\n"); echo("\n"); echo("\n"); $data=msqlFetchRow($fd); } echo("
$data[4], $data[3]
\n"); echo("\n"); msqlClose($sock); >