M.A. Marina Markovic

associate professor

Marina Markovic, was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. She graduated as an excellent pupil in "The 5TH Secondary School" in Belgrade and at the same time she attended "The Mokranjac Music School" and acquired her primary musical education there. Then she her acquired certificate at the University of Arts Belgrade, the Acting Group, in the University Professor Predrag Bajcetic’s class with excellent mark (ten - 10) for the principal subject and the average mark - 9,35. During the studies she was rewarded several times. Also, she took part in theatre, on the film, television and radio. Beside her professional, acting work, she is dedicated to the educational and scientific work at the same time.

The academic title Master of Arts, Prof. Markovic got on the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, to become a specialist for the Science of Literature ( the average mark during this part of her studies is 9,25). The Master’s thesis: "Shakespeare and the Movement (with the explanation of the certain tragedies and comedies), the examples from the text and the movement of Shakespearean actor" is marked by the highest mark and recommended for publication.

Professor Markovic’s educational work has been continually going on since 1984, at University of Arts, Belgrade, the Acting Group. Since the year 1990, she has been leading all by herself the professional art subject - the Technique of Voice (Singing).

Beside public lectures, and acting appearances Professor Markovic actively takes part in the MANAGEMENT work. The explorations of special segment (public relations), as one of the most important components of marketing mix, found their practical application in the lectures, exercises and seminars. The special programme of voice teaching and voice training (I) as well as the specific programme of public speaking for business men - managers (II) is created by studying the speech and singing.

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