a     b     c    d     e    f      g      h    i     k     l     m      n     o    p      q    r  


             s(1) s(2) s(3)  t     u     w    x   y(1)  y(2)    z     æ       ð     þ  


     Note that there is no j or v; these were merely alternate shapes of i and u. The letters k, q and z were rarely used in Old English. The Capitals are much the same as in the modern alphabet; here are a few that occur in the Beowulf manuscript.


A(1)    A(2)  E(1)  E(2)  F    G(1) G(2)   H       M        N        S       U   W(1) W(2)


     The frequently abbreviated words are pæt and and. The pæt consists consists of a crossed thorn; and and is a symbol inherited from Latin. Otherwise, abbreviations were relatively rare in Old English script; the most common one was a stroke placed over a letter to indicate that a following m or n had been omitted.


pæt                 and               um