G. V. Marinkovic, A. D. Petrovic, I. D. Sokic, "Survey of talking calculators
for blind and visually impaired people," Proceedings of the IASTED Conference
on Software Engineering, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, October 28-31, 1998. You
can get this document here...
A. D. Petrovic, M. V. Trajkovic, I. D. Kilibarda, "Pregled naučnoistraživačkih
programa koje finansira agencija DARPA," Simpozijum YU INFO '99, Mart 1999.
can get this document here...
Sledeci radovi su radjeni kao studentski projekti:
Titles that follows are student works:
Database application for dermatology ordination (Developed in Access 97)
Simulation of multiprocessor system using Limes (An multiprocessor simulation
Simulation of Client - Server architecture in Java language