GetN€t tool

GetN€t tool is used to calculate net amount that employee gets, given the gross from the employment contract or job offer. This is useful because most people in Serbia are in net mindset.

1 EUR:(set this if you deal with EURs)
1 USD:(and set this if you deal with $)
gross =
net =

How to use the tool?

For simple use, fill in the exchange rates, gross, the currency and the period, then click GetN€t button. To set the exchange rate, you can go to sites listing the rates for today or the rates for any given day. For more advanced use, check out additional parameters below.

Additional parameters

The tool sets the default values for all of the extra parameters. All of them are configurable, so you can go down and set them according to your payment practice. Default configuration assumes that annual EURs are given as input, montly EURs are expected as net, exchange rate as of March the 10th, 2009 is used, previous work is minimal as mandated by law.

To set the average gross in republic, go to, then note "Average Salary", to see the amount for other months search there a little.

The tool assumes that there is no meal allowance and annual leave allowance. If you use those, you will need to set appropriate values. All of these should be set in Serbian dinars (local currency, RSD).

The tool assumes zero amount for previous work item. If you use different value, set it here (example: 0,5% should be written as 0.005). Finally, other parameters most likely don't need to be changed because they are fixed values mandated by law and you have no freedom to change them in your payment practice. One situation in which you would need to change those is when the law changes but the tool is not kept up to date.

Meal allowance:
Annual leave allowance:
Percent for previous work:
Years of previous work:
Average republic gross for previous month:
Tax reduction for income tax:
Percent for income tax:
Percent for contributions (employee, employer):

Additional results: taxes and total cost

Similar to additional parameters, you may want to look at additional results. These include detailed breakdown of all of the taxes paid, such as social security/medical/pension contributions for employee and employer, and personal income tax. Also, employers may find it useful and informative to see the total cost of employment, that is gross plus the taxes on behalf of employer.

Monthly gross in dinars
Previous work
Final gross - base for income tax
Personal income tax
Contributions on behalf of employer
Contributions on behalf of employee
Net on bank account:
Total cost of employment


This was last updated around 2009, might be out to date. Princip je isti...